You own a listed or locally listed building, you live in a Conservation Area or within the setting of a Scheduled Monument or Registered Park and Garden and you need to supply information to the Local Planning Authority for a planning application. They need to know how the changes you want to make to your property will impact upon the historic environment within the parameters of policies and guidance but you don't know where to start.
Do you need to supply a Heritage Statement or Impact Assessment but don't know how best to present your project within the context of heritage or archaeology in planning? Stock Heritage can help support and guide you through the process given our demonstrable experience in applying heritage and archaeological legislation, guidance and policy to bespoke projects. Working with you we can quickly assess what is and isn't possible and how best to present your project within the appropriate report or supporting documentation.
You may be representing a client who owns a listed or locally listed building, lives in a Conservation Area or within the setting of a Scheduled Monument or Registered Park and Garden. Perhaps you don't have the in-house capability or the current capacity to provide the Local Planning Authority with the levels of specialist information needed to put forward the best supporting documentation for your client. This may be in the form of a Heritage Statement or Impact Assessment.
Stock Heritage can use our experience in heritage and archaeological legislation, guidance and policy to help support and guide you through the process. Working with you we can quickly assess how best to present and propose your clients' project within the appropriate supporting information.
You may own a property or you may be a representing a client with ownership or interest in land within an area defined by the Local Planning Authority of being of potential archaeological interest. Planning Applications made within these areas will require a Desk Based Assessment in order to ensure the decision-makers have the requisite information they need to inform them of the potential survival, significance and impact that the development may have upon buried archaeological deposits.
It can also be very useful to have an Archaeological Desk Based Assessment undertaken to inform various parties of risks to development within a due diligence exercise. With 15 years of delivering archaeological advice, Stock Heritage can easily provide the right information to industry standards. We can also provide advice and consultancy on the right types of archaeological evaluation and mitigation for your project, providing Written Schemes of Investigation or mitigation management.
You are very busy and you need to outsource projects or parts of them in order to meet your deadlines and keep your clients happy. We can help provide you with the information you need to stay on track.
Are you so early in the process that you aren't quite sure what you need or which route to take. We can offer some initial advice on a range of heritage, archaeology, retrofitting and climate adaption matters on an hourly rate. This service is designed to help you understand the parameters of what you can likely or not likely do within the planning process with regards to the historic environment.
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