By day I work part-time as an Historic Environment Officer and I absolutely LOVE that job - I get to advise and look after the archaeology and heritage of my beautiful home city* where my family have had roots for centuries. I also get to do this (personally very meaningful) job alongside raising a family and building a home in the beautiful West Country. What could be more rewarding to someone who is busy loving her professional and family life?
Well ...
Moving from the private sector into the public sector I can see that a lot of applicants, particularly householders or small business owners really struggle to provide the levels of information they need to with regards to heritage and archaeology in the planning process. This slows down the processes involved in decision-making which can lead to extra costs, frustration and anxiety on both sides.
I believe I can use my experience of consulting on both sides of the planning process to help both applicants and the decision-makers navigate issues with heritage and archaeology in a much more nimble and forthright way. Having now worked on both sides of the planning fence, I am a much better at what I do. I also have the help of several regional specialists on hand to ensure Stock Heritage offers the most knowledgeable consultancy services we can.
So again, what could be more rewarding? Using my experience to help others.
*I cannot take any jobs that would put me in jeopardy of 'conflict of interest,' and will not work as a freelancer within Plymouth.
In horticulture a 'stock' is the rooted stem or plant that provides the root for a new plant in a grafting. I am the 'stock' and Stock Heritage is the new branch/growth.
I'm finding so much joy and growth in taking my career in different directions and I found the name rather fitting for this stage of my working life.
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